pokercore package


pokercore.card module

class pokercore.card.Card(rank, suit)[source]

Bases: object

Class representing a playing card.

A playing card consists of two integers, passed to the constructor during instantiation:

  • rank - the rank of the card [0-12]
  • suit - the suit of the card [0-3]

A Card can be compared to, added to, subtracted to and subtracted by other Card objects and integers (using their ranks, resulting in plain integers). For identity check, the identical_to method is provided.

classmethod from_chars(chars)[source]

return a new object from a pair of character symbols

ranks = ('2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'T', 'J', 'Q', 'K', 'A')
suits = ('c', 'd', 'h', 's')

pokercore.deck module

class pokercore.deck.Deck[source]

Bases: object

Class representing a deck of cards.

A Deck consists of 52 Card objects, starting shuffled. It has two methods:

  • shuffle - Restore all cards to the deck, then shuffle it.
  • draw - Draw n cards from the top of the deck, returning them
    as a list of Card objects. If n is not provided, draw and return one Card object.

remove and return a card from the deck, or a list of n cards, if n is given


restore all cards to deck, then shuffle it

pokercore.exceptions module

exception pokercore.exceptions.CardArithmeticError[source]

Bases: pokercore.exceptions.CardError

Invalid arithmetic operation on a Card object

exception pokercore.exceptions.CardComparisonError[source]

Bases: pokercore.exceptions.CardError

Invalid comparison of a Card object

exception pokercore.exceptions.CardCreationError[source]

Bases: pokercore.exceptions.CardError

Attempt to create a Card object using invalid arguments

exception pokercore.exceptions.CardError[source]

Bases: pokercore.exceptions.PokerError

Card-related error

exception pokercore.exceptions.DeckError[source]

Bases: pokercore.exceptions.PokerError

Deck-related error

exception pokercore.exceptions.DeckNotIntegerError[source]

Bases: pokercore.exceptions.DeckError

Given draw count is not an integer

exception pokercore.exceptions.DeckTooManyError[source]

Bases: pokercore.exceptions.DeckError

Given draw count is greater than the count of remaining cards

exception pokercore.exceptions.HandComparisonError[source]

Bases: pokercore.exceptions.HandError

Invalid comparison of a Hand object

exception pokercore.exceptions.HandCreationError[source]

Bases: pokercore.exceptions.HandError

Attempt to create a Hand object using invalid arguments

exception pokercore.exceptions.HandError[source]

Bases: pokercore.exceptions.PokerError

Hand-related error

exception pokercore.exceptions.PokerError[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Generic poker error

pokercore.hand module

class pokercore.hand.Hand(cards)[source]

Bases: object

Class representing a poker hand.

A poker hand consists of one or more Card objects, passed to the constructor contained in some iterable. Its main attributes are two:

  • value - an integer between 0 and 8 representing the category of
    the poker hand
  • best_cards - the best (at most 5) cards that consist the actual hand

A Hand can be compared to other Hand objects, judging by the value, and then the best cards, lexicographically.

classmethod from_chars(*args)[source]

return a new object from pairs of character symbols

works with either multiple arguments, or a single iterable

names = ('high card', 'one pair', 'two pair', 'three of a kind', 'straight', 'flush', 'full house', 'four of a kind', 'straight flush')

Module contents


A poker engine core, in Python

pokercore provides 3 classes to be used in a poker engine. Card (a playing card), Hand (a poker hand consisting of Cards, with evaluation capabilities) and Deck (a deck of Cards).

It is a simple starter, mainly written for exploring purposes, but can be extended and/or used to build something bigger. It is released under the MIT license.


>>> from pokercore import Deck, Hand
>>> deck = Deck()
>>> first = Hand(deck.draw(5))
>>> first
Hand(one pair: Card(9c), Card(9h), Card(Ac), Card(Jh), Card(2h))
>>> second = Hand(deck.draw(5))
>>> second
Hand(high card: Card(As), Card(Kc), Card(9s), Card(7h), Card(4h))
>>> first > second